


Exordium Cover

 Atharon - Exordium (A-1)

       In a time when generations have come and gone in apparent peace and prosperity, a series of sinister events seriously threaten to destroy the fragile balance. Old grudges are stirring again and the ancient battlefields are coming back to life. The world of Atharon is slowly preparing to enter yet another age of war, completely unaware of the ultimate danger lurking within the long-forgotten depths of chaos. At the beginning of the end, in the mankind's darkest hour, true heroes are needed more than ever. Many will heed the call but only the chosen few will persevere.

     BCS version English version - Purchase via publisher KRBalkan (Serbia)
     BCS version English version - Purchase via Delfi.rs (Serbia)
     BCS version 
- English version - Purchase via Knjiga.ba (BiH)
     BCS version - English version - Purchase via KnjižaraRoman.rs (Serbia)
 BCS version - English version - Purchase via Korisnaknjiga.com (BiH)
     BCS version - Purchase via Inverzija Webshop (Croatia)



Atharon Malevolence Cover

 Atharon - Malevolence (A-2)

     They will make their first steps into the world full of hope and determinetion, seeking the glory they have been seemingly destined for, unaware of the dangers lying ahead. As they step beyond the boundaries of the unknown, the curtains will be swept aside, revealing the genuine nature of the world as a whole, along with the horrifying truth that destiny, no matter how much one devotes himself to her , never chooses her favorites. Nothing in this world gets done on its own merit.

BCS version - English version - Purchase via knjižararoman.rs (Serbia)
BCS version - English version - Purchase via Vulkan.rs (Serbia)

     More links should be available soon...


Atharon Providence Cover

 Atharon - Providence (A-3)

     Links should be available once the book is released...


     Probable release date: Summer of 2025.


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