     Atharon is a fantasy world created by Argent Hellion, initially conceived during the Spring of 2007. The very first version of the first book was completed during the Summer of 2009. and the search for a daring publisher has been ongoing all the way until the Fall of 2016. The very first book has been released in the late December of 2016 under the banner of the Balkan Creative Workshop, after nearly 10 years of dedicated writing. Both the BCS and the English version were released simultaneously, and the general plan is to spread the entire series over several books.

     Feel free to explore the site and introduce yourself to the general background of the world of Atharon as a whole. To proceed, please click the labels on the top of the page, or scroll the page further down to see the promotional updates in chronological order.

--------------------      PROMOTIONAL UPDATES      --------------------

The very first Atharon promotion was held in the National Library in Doboj, on
the 10th of February 2017. Two video clips are provided, the first one is the report
produced by Elta TV (spoken in BCS with English subtitles), the second one
is the report produced by TV K3 (spoken in BCS, with English subtitles).


 The second Atharon promotion was held in the Cultural Center in Gradiška,
on the 14th of March 2017. A single video clip is provided, it is the report
produced by GradiškaTV (spoken in BCS, with English subtitles).

The third Atharon promotion was held at the American Corner in Tuzla,
on the 20th of April 2017.  
A single video is provided, the report from the event
itself. Language spoken in the video is BCS, with English subtitles.

The very first Atharon exhibition (along with the exhibition of Konkvest) was
held at the festivals in Belgrade and Novi Sad on the 20th and the 21st of May 2017.
One video clip is provided, it's a live feed made by Gilda Igrača from the Days
of Fantasy Festival, held in Novi Sad on the 21st of May. The spoken language in
the feed is BCS.

The fourth Atharon promotion was held in Osijek on the 16th of June 2017
and it was hosted by the club Titan Atlas. Thanks to the support  of the host,
an arranged was made with the Marsonikon fantasy fair and the Atharon
was exhibited on that fair the subsequent day, on the 17th of June 2017.
One video clip is provided, it's a report made by BrodPortal regarding
the Marsonikon fair of 2017. The spoken language is BCS.

A promotion of Atharon: Exordium and the game of Konkvest
has been held in the Milutin Bojić Library in Belgrade on the
24th of November 2017.

The spoken language in the video is BCS. The video is way
too long for me to provide English subtitles for it (sorry).

*** BONUS ***

Interview made by the Radio Slobodna Evropa during
the Atharon promotion in Tuzla, April 2017.
Spoken language: BCS.

The Atharon series has been exhibited on several independent promotions,
as well as multiple fantasy festivals throughout 2017, 2018 and 2019,
but none 
of them have been provided with video coverage.

Unfortunately, since the "mishap_that_should_not_be_named"
of 2020, there haven't been any active promotions, but hopefully
that changes in due time.

If you're interested 
in these exhibitions, please check the authors
official Facebook 
profile by clicking the Facebook image in the
bottom-right corner of the site.
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